Groups & Programs

Living Life Well Program

Living Life Well Program

Living Life Well (Illness and Caregiver Support) provides a variety of services to educate and support individuals with a life-limiting illness and their caregivers, while enabling them to live at the end-of-life with dignity, self-determination and a sense of community.

  • Day Hospice is held twice monthly and is a support group for those who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. The group provides peer support and companionship with volunteers and staff, education from guest speakers on topics such as pain and symptom management, nutrition, physiotherapy, health care system navigation, EMS services, and advance care planning. Recreational and therapeutic activities are provided such as music therapy, painting, legacy work, anticipatory grief support and a shared homemade meal. Caregivers can benefit as their loved ones attend a group as it provides an opportunity for respite
  • Volunteer Visiting Program matches one of our trained and compassionate volunteers with an individual who has a life-limiting illness. They visit between one (1) to four (4) hours a week in the individual’s home, in the community or at the Residential Hospice. Companionship, support with practical tasks (light housekeeping, meal preparation), transportation and life review/legacy work are all components of the volunteer match. 
  • Caregiver Support Group is offered twice monthly and offers support and psychoeducation to those caring for a loved one with a life limiting illness. Topics may include health care system navigation, advance care planning, pain and symptom management, legacy work, stages of caregiving, anticipatory grief, and self-care. Guest speakers from the community are invited to share their expertise, including Nurse Practitioners, Registered Dieticians, Personal Support Workers and EMS.